mercoledì 12 dicembre 2007

ipse dixit [8]

Tripwire: Director Zack Snyder really wants you to like Watchmen. I saw him interviewed recently and he was quoted, "Worst case scenario - Alan puts the movie on his DVD player on a cold Sunday in London and watches and says, "Yeah, that doesn't suck too bad."
Alan Moore: "That's the worst case scenario? I think he's understimated what the worst scenario would be... that's never going to happen on my DVD player in "London"... I'm never going to watch this fucking thing."

Excerpt from the Alan Moore interview contained in Tripwire Annual 2007 magazine (Tripwire Publishing, Summer 2007)

2 commenti:

Mella ha detto...

Dubito che vedremo qualcosa di buono. Gli adattamenti cinematografici sembrano riuscire bene in pochi casi

sTUDIOpAZZIA ha detto...

un adattamento ha senso solo se chi lo fa ha qualcosa da dire...